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David is an experienced advocate in a broad range of legal practice areas, including criminal defence, constitutional law, immigration, judicial review, inquests and general civil litigation.
He writes and lectures extensively in the UK, Ireland and internationally.
David has extensive experience as a Defence jury advocate in England and Wales and in Ireland, in murder, rape, conspiracy, blackmail, sexual assault (including very sensitive child sex cases), and armed robbery cases. Much of this work has been conducted as a leading junior alone. David has also appeared in the draconian non-jury Special Criminal Court and In the UK Court Of Appeal.
In his capacity as Director of The Irish Innocence Project, David secured the first posthumous pardon in the history of the Irish state in the Harry Gleeson case, which is well documented and reported in the press, and initiated the right to post conviction DNA testing in the Irish courts.
The Documentary The Hanging of Harry Gleeson
He initiated the idea for The European Innocence Network and is emeritus director of The Irish Innocence Project. He has an extensive knowledge of Miscarriages Of Justice. On behalf of the Innocence Project he conducted cases in Greece and Kenya.
A documentary about a case in Green
Law is boring – Village Magazine
He was master of the moots at The Honorable Society Of Kings Inns and has written extensively about and taught advocacy
David’s article in Counsel magazine in 2020 provides an interesting discussion on miscarriages of justice, along with offering a short guide for new barristers.
David has written extensively on Criminal Justice issues for Counsel Magazine, Cassandra Voices, The Village Magazine in Ireland, The Irish World newspaper. He also has written several refereed articles on Criminal Justice on The Innocence Project.
David has also written extensively about asset forfeiture and the proceeds of crime. He was instructed in the seminal asset forfeiture case in Ireland Gilligan v Ireland (1997). It is an area in which he is an expert and of which he is profoundly disapproving.
- R v EA (May 2023) David Langwallner acted in a multi handed two week case at Wolverhampton Crown Court, involving allegations of abuse by carers in a care home. The case involved complex assessment of care home policy, training, and staffing, as well as legal argument about the crucial distinction between the test for criminal recklessness and a breach of the common law duty of care for the purposes of a civil claim in negligence. David, who was instructed by Duncan Lewis Solicitors, was able to secure an acquittal for his client.
- RR v PD (May 2022 ,Croydon Crown Court ) David secured an acquittal on multiple rape allegations involving complex family issues. He was expressly compliment by the trial judge for his handling of the case.
- ( In The Court Of Appeal 2021) David Langwallner recently secured a substantial reduction in the sentence of a man convicted of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. The Court of Appeal agreed that the sentencing judge in the court below had failed to properly evaluate the implications of a psychological report which had confirmed a diagnosis of autism; the judge had further failed to properly engage with the implications of previous abuse suffered by the defendant, which may have caused him to misconstrue the complainant’s intentions. The Court accordingly reduced David’s client’s sentence from 11 years’ imprisonment to 8 years’ imprisonment.
- R v HS (April 2019, Blackfriars Crown Court) – secured an acquittal on serious allegations of sexual assault against a thirteen-year-old boy;
- R v PA (February 2018, Isleworth Crown Court) – secured an acquittal on the basis of self-defence and proportionate force arising out of a charge of actual bodily harm in a domestic situation. In this respect David implicitly relied on such cases as Beckford (1995) and Owiko (1995), in which it was held that the defence of self-defence is to be assessed objectively in terms of the proportionality of the force used but with a subjective complement in terms of the accused’s perception of the situation, his instinctive reaction through violence or a perceived threat of same and above all with respect to the individual circumstances of the case. David also relied on Lord Sankey’s judgement in Woolmington v DPP and the concept of cognitive or confirmatory bias;
- R v CD (January 2018, Snaresbrook Crown Court) – secured an acquittal in a blackmail case relying implicitly on such cases as R v Clear (1968) and R v Astig (2015) on the ambit and definition of menaces and reasonable demands in the context of payment for drug monies owed. David addressed the jury in detail on questions of corroboration and credibility and how proof is made out or not;
- Case of BK (2019) – before the Committee of Mercy on a death penalty matter in Kenya;
- Harry Gleeson (2015) – secured the first posthumous pardon in the history of the Irish state;
- David secured an acquittal in the Old Bailey in an allegation of sexual exposure. The case involved assessments of credibility and detailed testing of the evidence of the complainant. There was no dispute as to presence or identification of the defendant (2018).
Immigration & asylum
David has represented in immigration tribunals in Ireland and the England and Wales. He has also appeared in the High Court in both jurisdictions.
David has successfully represented in various immigration cases including Kaur v SSHD, September 2019, where he successfully secured asylum status for a Sikh national from being deported to Afghanistan dealing with questions of religious discrimination and persecution and threats to life.
David was co-counsel in a foundational extradition case in Dublin, Cosma v Ireland (2001), and has recently secured several good results in extradition matters before the Westminster Magistrates Court.
He advises on immigration matters on a direct access basis.
- SZ v SSHD (Jan 2020) (First Tier Tribunal) – secured the anonymous appellant, a victim of human trafficking, refugee status relying principally on Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Convention and the principle of non-refoulement. The case also canvassed in detail the question of the inadequacy of state and police protection;
- R v Martins (April 2019) – David succeeded in resisting the extradition of a Portuguese national under the European Arrest Warrant procedure, on the basis that extradition would be contrary to Article 8;
- Zheng Wu v Ireland (2001, High Court of Ireland) – immigration case involving illegality and errors on the face of the record;
- Cosma v Ireland (2005) – leading immigration case on the right to life and administrative unreasonableness with respect to deportation proceedings.
Public law & judicial review
David has been an anti-state constitutional lawyer in Ireland for over twenty years. He lectured in Constitutional Law at The Kings Inns for over 16 years and has published extensively in the field.
He acted in the constitutional challenge to the Proceeds of Crime Act 1996 Gilligan v Ireland and in Cosma v Ireland (2006), which addressed the right to life and extradition proceedings. In 2016, he represented a political party, The Anti Austerity Alliance, in a challenge to the prohibition on the collection of money for election purposes based on principles such as freedom of speech and freedom of association.
He has written extensively in various for a about Freedom of Speech and the threats to it.
He is an expert in social and economic rights and lectured the subject for over a decade. He has written extensively in that field and in particular to celebrate the 70th anniversary of The Irish Constitution
Socio-Economic Rights Must Be Vindicated | Cassandra Voices
He has also written extensively about the decline of constitutional values.
A year after Roe was overthrown, lessons from Trump’s Supreme Court for Ireland’s
David has appeared in many administrative law and judicial review cases – some reported – including those related to asylum and mental health matters in Ireland and the UK.
David has represented in immigration tribunals in Ireland and the England and Wales. He has also appeared in the High Court in both jurisdictions.
David has successfully represented in various immigration cases including Kaur v SSHD, September 2019, where he successfully secured asylum status for a Sikh national from being deported to Afghanistan dealing with questions of religious discrimination and persecution and threats to life.
David was co-counsel in a foundational extradition case in Dublin, Cosma v Ireland (2001), and has recently secured several good results in extradition matters before the Westminster Magistrates Court. He advises on immigration matters on a direct access basis.
- SZ v SSHD (Jan 2020) (First Tier Tribunal) – secured the anonymous appellant, a victim of human trafficking, refugee status relying principally on Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Convention and the principle of non-refoulement. The case also canvassed in detail the question of the inadequacy of state and police protection;
- R v Martins (April 2019) – David succeeded in resisting the extradition of a Portuguese national under the European Arrest Warrant procedure, on the basis that extradition would be contrary to Article 8;
- Zheng Wu v Ireland (2001, High Court of Ireland) – immigration case involving illegality and errors on the face of the record;
- Cosma v Ireland (2005) – leading immigration case on the right to life and administrative unreasonableness with respect to deportation proceedings.
- Gilligan v Ireland (1997, High Court of Ireland) – constitutional challenge to the Irish Proceeds of Crime Act 1996;
- Represented The Anti Austerity Alliance in a constitutional challenge with respect to a government ban on the collection of money before an election.
International human rights
David lectured on human rights and social and economic rights for many years at Griffith College Dublin, where he was Dean of the Law Faculty. He has represented before the Committee of Mercy in Kenya and advised on war crimes issues. In addition, he has published extensively on international human rights issues.
Civil actions/inquests
Banking and debt restructuring
David has handled many matters in the last decade against banks in Ireland, including Miller v Danske Bank (2015) in the Irish Court of Appeal, which was reported and received national and international attention. He conducted this case against two senior counsel and two junior counsel.
David also provides extensive advisory work in this area and is direct access qualified in England and Wales. He has written many articles on this issue
Tribunals and inquiries
David acted in the major whistleblowing inquiry into the 2015 banking crisis in Ireland, which took place ‘in camera’ .
In March of 2017, also in Ireland, he handled a major coroners’ court inquest into the Sinead Maguire case.
Employment law and whistleblowing law
David studied employment law at LSE and Harvard. He has appeared in industrial tribunals and employment appeals tribunals in Ireland and in England and Wales. He has also lectured on employment law and currently teaches dismissal law and whistleblowing law at Middlesex University.
David recently published a major piece on the history of whistleblowing and whistleblowing law in The Village Magazine in September 2019 called Enemies of the People.
Civil litigation
David co-designed the civil practice course at the Kings Inns and lectured on it for five years, as well as being the marker and setter of the civil advocacy exam. He has practised in all aspects of civil litigation including very extensive libel work.
Commercial arbitration
David trained at 4 Essex Court Chambers, the leading arbitration set in London, and has handled shipping arbitrations.
Intellectual property
David has lectured on this subject for over ten years. He has given talks all over the world on the subject. David has advised musicians and artists and has several major cases including Doyle v EMI. In Ireland. He appeared in many ‘in camera’ applications for Anton Piller orders. He has several articles published in recent years in The New Law Journal on Copyright and Trademark
Injunctions and interlocutory relief
David appeared against two QCs in an application for a worldwide Mareva injunction for seven days in the High Court. He has extensive experience of all types of injunctive and interlocutory relief work.
- O’ Connell v Daxer Pietsch (1995) – seven day hearing of an application for a Mareva injunction, heard in camera. Commercial shipping arbitration on case of Captain Haalnd;
- Miller v Danske Bank (2015, Court of Appeal in Ireland) – leading banking case on contractual obligations, administrative law and the role of the banking ombudsman;
- Lead counsel representing a whistleblower in the inquiry examining the circumstances of the banking collapse in Ireland in 2007;
- Represented Ireland Anti Austerity Alliance in a constitutional challenge with respect to a government ban on the collection of money prior to an election;
- Represented in the leading case preventing mass evictions in the Tyrellstown estate in Dublin;
- Acted in the Coroners’ Court inquest in the case of Sinead Maguire.
David has represented in several housing cases before various UK tribunals.
David also has extensive experience in Ireland. He represented in the leading litigation against the eviction of the Tyrrelstown estate by Canadian and American vulture funds in Ireland. David also represented in the Court of Appeal in Dublin in The Miller v Danske Bank case on variable mortgage interest rate repayments.
Additionally, David is on the board of the major housing NGO initiative in Ireland and has been appointed as legal advisor to the new housing initiative homeoptions not-for-profit organisation.
David has lectured for 16 years on social and economic rights and the right to housing and has several refereed and non referred publications in that field. He was a visiting academic in The University of British Columbia in 2013. He has also lectured Housing and Property Law at The Anglo American University in Prague as a visiting professor.
David has written many papers on the right to housing for the Village Magazine in Dublin and for a Symposium on The Irish Constitution at 70. He is scheduled to give a major paper on The Right to Housing before The Ballymun Law Institute in Dublin on October 24th a paper which has been delivered before but not with the same interest.
David achieved a first class honours in family law at Trinity College and whilst practising in Ireland undertook family work involving property ownership and trust matters in an advisory capacity. He also undertook contentious family litigation of a highly sensitive nature in access disputes. David lectured in the Honourable Society of The Kings Inns on the family clause of the Irish Constitution (Article 41) and also in detail on Article 8 of the Convention. He is presently advising a UK client on the impact of environmental hazards on the family clause of the Convention
- Henry Hunter Hamilton Memorial Prize for History Trinity College Dublin;
- Kingsmill Moore Memorial Prize for Law Trinity College Dublin;
- Fellowship to Harvard Law School.
- Irish Lawyer of The Year in The Irish Law Awards 2015.
- Lecturer in consumer law at Middlesex University (from May 2021)
Publications and seminars
Regular contributor
Regular contributor to Irish publications, Village Magazine and Cassandra Voices, on a wide range of topics including whistleblowing law, freedom of speech, democracy, extradition and human rights, the Irish Constitution, and biographies including Geoffrey Robertson QC.
David has also written op-ed and opinion pieces for the Irish newspapers and has been featured in the Chronicle of Further Education in the US for his achievements.
Publications and Select UK Legal Essays
David is a Regular contributor to Counsel Magazine
David is also a regular contributor to The New Law Journal
2020 – Article on miscarriages of justice, Counsel magazine.
2018 – Article on the wrongful conviction of Harry Gleeson for murder and the observations around miscarriages of justice. See link here.
2015 – ‘The common vocabulary of innocence’, in ‘Protecting the innocent across Europe and America’ (ed. Professor Luca Lipuria Kluwer).
2013 – ‘The Irish Innocence Project and principles of Irish due process’, University of Cincinnati Law Review. A refereed publication.
2013 – ‘Copyright law and the internet after Saba’, Journal of Irish Business Law. A refereed publication.
2012 – ‘Miscarriages of justice in Ireland: a survey of the jurisprudence’, 212 Irish Journal of Legal Studies. A refereed publication.
2009 – ‘The restrictive doctrine of administrative unreasonableness’, Irish Law Review.
2008 – Essay in Carolan and Doyle (ed), ‘The Irish Constitution: governance and values.’ Dublin: Thomson Round Hall.
2008 – ‘Judicial deference, separation of powers and the failure to vindicate the rights of the individual’. This book was published to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Constitution of Ireland and is a series of essays from leading practitioners and academics. This is a referred publication.
2008 – ‘The incoherence of historicism in Irish Constitutional interpretation’, The Bar Review (November 2008) Pages 109-114. A longer version was also published in Independent Law Review (2008) 17-24. The Bar Review of The Irish Bar is a referred publication.
2007 – ‘The scope of patent infringement in Irish law after Ranbaxy’, Irish Business Law Quarterly. A refereed publication.
2007 – ‘The availability of the parody defence to copyright infringement in Irish law’, Irish Business Law Quarterly. A refereed publication.
2007 – ‘Originality in copyright law after Feist and CCH Canadian’, Irish Business Law Quarterly. A refereed publication.
TV and radio
David has appeared on television and radio in Ireland, The United Kingdom, Greece and Kenya. David regularly podcasts for Cassandra Voices.
International papers
David has given papers in the US, Italy, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
David contributes to Irish publications, Village Magazine and Cassandra Voices, Dublin Review of Books on a wide range of topics including whistleblowing law, freedom of speech, democracy, extradition and human rights, David has also written op-ed and opinion pieces for the Irish newspapers and has been featured in the Chronicle of Further
Cassandra Voices April 2024 First Of a Two Part Series Innocence in The Criminal Justice System.
Cassandra Voices. July 2023. Disturbing Developments in Criminal Justice.
Village Magazine Ireland. Lessons From the Irish Supreme Court from The American Supreme Court. July 2023.
Cassandra Voices May 2023. Weighing Up Irelands Hate Crime Law.
Whistle blew In the Face the Village Magazine November 2022
Cassandra Voices September 2021 Socio Economic Rights Must Be Vindicated
Village Magazine Ireland. July 1st, 2020. Emergency Powers Laws in The Light of The Virus.
Cassandra Voices June 2020. On Environmental Rights and The Environment.
2019-May-Cassandra Voices- Freedom of Speech. An International Perspective. Also Published in Book Form. Cassandra Voices Volume 2.
2019-Cassandra Voices -April. Law, Legalism and Morality
2018 June. The Village Magazine: The Leading Journal of Public Affairs in Ireland. Ireland. A Review of The Secret Barrister.
2017: December. The Village Magazine. The Rule of Law in Ireland.
2017: August: The Village Magazine: The Leading Journal of Public Affairs in Ireland: On Visiting Bosnia and Crimes Against Humanity.
2017: April. An analysis of Jarndyce v Jarndyce and its implications for housing rights for The Dublin Review of Books.
David lectured Jurisprudence, Whistleblowing Law and Dismissal Law at Middlesex University. For over a decade David lectured in constitutional law, administrative law, judicial review and jurisprudence at The Honourable Society of The Kings Inns and was master of the moots as well as the corrector of the civil advocacy exam. David co-designed the civil practice course in Ireland, modelled on the Council of Legal Education model in the UK. David was also Dean of Griffith College Law Faculty and a visiting professor in law and international relations in The Anglo-American University in Prague
- English
- German
- Gaelic – working knowledge
- French – working knowledge
Legal Directories
“Mr Langwallner is a highly experienced Barrister who has assisted us in a case we thought would be straight forward. However the defendant made it somewhat complex.
Mr Langwallner’s experience and knowledge saw through the complexities and has advised us appropriately.
He is extremely thorough and precise.
Mr Langwallner is of the highest integrity, honesty and absolute friendliness.
A legal expert, you can talk to without any qualm whatsoever.
We would not hesitate to recommend Mr David Langwallner highly.”
Source: Client of Mr Langwallner’s